Latviešu Maģistra darba „Politiskā performance un performance politikā. Vladimira Putina prezidentūra.” pētījuma priekšmets ir politiskā performance un performances līdzekļu lietojums politikā mūsdienu Krievijā. Darba ietvaros pētīts, kā politisko performanci izmanto Krievijas valdošā elite un tai opozicionārie spēki, kā arī analizēta abu šo politiskās performances prakšu savstarpējā ietekme. Pētījums balstās pieņēmumā, ka valdošās elites realizētās publiskās performances formas un opozīcijas aranžētās politiskās performances prakses mūsdienu Krievijā ir cieši saistītas un to savstarpējā mijiedarbība atgriezeniski ietekmē politiskos procesus. |
Angļu The thesis “Political performance and performance in politics in Vladimir Putin’s Russia” has been written for the acquisition of the Master’s Degree in Arts at the Department of the Cultural Theory of the Latvian Academy of Culture. The research paper explores public performance strategies of the power elite and the opposing forces, suggesting their being closely intertwined and induced one by another. Furthermore, the possible ways how political performatives are rooted into the traditional governing structures of the Russian State and what kind of reverse impact is given back to the post-Soviet regime transformations in Russia are being observed. A particular regard is put onto the events of the so-called Snow Revolution in Russia, which marks the transition from the oppositional performance restricted to small groups of artists and activists presumably supposed to act upon the guidelines of the controlled democracy (upravlayemaya demokratija) as a type of systemic opposition (sistemnaya opozicija) to the much more extended oppositional performance activities within the social networks, which are hard to be controlled by the state and as such can be qualified as non-systemic opposition. Facing the danger to the authoritarian tendencies particularly present in Russia since the Vladimir Putin’s second presidential term, the governing elites try oppressing these political performance activities by applying harsh punishment methods to the internet opposition activists like Aleksey Navalny, by introducing severe censorship proposals and by arranging a new type of the representation symbolizing the country authoritarianism: its president Vladimir Putin as a competitive character within the social network society, namely a digital icon of the president of Russia, combining the glamour of the Western consumer society with traditional Russian patriarchalism. These representation fights not only mould the public image of Russia, but also tend to use the inner collisions for strengthening the Russian state authoritarianism towards the outer enemy, as the values of the upcoming network democracy are being regarded by the Russian state leadership. |