Latviešu Šī zinātniski pētnieciskā darba temats ir „Latgales vēstniecības GORS loma Rēzeknes pilsētas attīstībā”. Nereti Latvijā var novērot situāciju, ka brīdī, kad tiek uzbūvēts kultūras centrs, līdz ar kultūras dzīves līmeņa celšanos tieši vai netieši mainās arī pilsētvidē notiekošais. „Māksla un kultūra palīdz radīt estētiski pievilcīgu vidi. Kultūras norises atjauno un maina kultūras mantojuma sākotnējo izmantošanas veidu, to atdzīvinot un radot jaunus resursus. Ar kultūras projektu palīdzību atdzīvina industriālo mantojumu, tas var kļūt par vietu radošiem cilvēkiem, apvienot kultūru un biznesu (VEF Mākslas centrs).1 Šī darba mērķis ir izpētīt, kā Latgales vēstniecība GORS (turpmāk – koncertzāle GORS) mainījusi kultūras un pilsētvides situāciju Rēzeknē. |
Angļu The structure of the work is focused on detecting and displaying what was the situation in Rezekne city and its culture before the concert hall GORS creation and showing how things have changed since it was built. The concert hall was opened in September 2013. Concert hall GORS directly led to significant changes in the city's cultural institution activities, in the tourism sector, in urban regeneration and regional recognition. It is possible that concert hall GORS functioning will change Latgale controversy. The author in his work mentions similar concert halls to GORS in other countries. As the creation of the concert hall GORS is connected with politics, culture and cultural policy, the author has focused on the role of these sectors in its creation. Work contains more detailed characteristics of concert hall GORS activities and how the concert hall GORS cooperate with local cultural institutions. The author in his work has focused on how many different types of events have taken place in the concert hall, as well as on the large number of people the concert hall has undertaken. The main findings are that the concert hall has significantly changed the urban environment, the activities of the local cultural institutions, the tourism sector and future plans. Thanks to the concert hall new projects are being carried out which would increase the attraction of people to Rezekne and the concert hall. The most urgent problem in Rezekne is lack of hotels; due to it the concert hall is losing potential visitors and event organizers only because of no place to accommodate large groups of people. Since the concert hall was opened, various large and evident projects are being carried out that will enliven the city more and more, and Rezekne will gradually be approaching the condition to qualify fully for the title „Rezekne – the city in the heart of Latgale". |