Latviešu Bakalaura darba mērķis ir atklāt un raksturot specifisko un savdabīgo Ingas Ābeles romānu „Uguns nemodina”, „Paisums” un „Klūgu mūks” vēstījumā. Darba aktualitāte skaidrojuma ar to, ka Inga Ābele šobrīd ir viena no pamanāmākajām personībām latviešu literatūrā. I. Ābele, kas pēc izglītības ir dramaturģe, veiksmīgi sevi pieteikusi visos literatūras žanros – dzejā, prozā un dramaturģijā – un par šiem darbiem vairākkārt saņēmusi ne tikai atzinīgus vārdus, bet arī prestižas literatūras balvas. Bakalaura darbā apzināti izvēlēts uzmanību pievērst tieši I. Ābeles romāniem. Divi no trim romāniem saņēmuši arī Latvijas Literatūras gada balvu par labāko prozas darbu. |
Angļu This research paper: “The Specifics of Narrative in Inga Ābele’s Novels” focuses on the different techniques of narrative that an author might use to tell his story. The paper consists in two parts – a theoritical and an analytic one. The theoretic part gives a brief information on the theory of narrative. First chapter is based on the well known Latvian and foreign literature theorist researches. The second part is divided in 3 chapters, each of them gives an analysis of the narrative in Inga Ābele’s novels „Uguns nemodina”, „Paisums” and „Klūgu mūks”. The attention is on the untraditional methods Ābele uses in her storytelling, for example in the novel „Paisums” the story is narrated backwards – beginning when the main character was 33 years old and then going back to her birth, while in the novel „Klūgu mūks” she portrays historical persons and events through fiction. In her novels Ābele is using diferent forms and elements of narrative and this research paper explains how they work together. An important part in this research consists in the references of other author works that are used in these novels. The conclusions given in the end of the research shows how the author’s personality had influenced these fictional stories, how through the author’s language the main theme of the novel is portaited in the narrative and talks about common features which are shared in all three of Ābele’s novels. |