Laikmetīgās dejas izrāde PAR VIŅU

    NosaukumsLaikmetīgās dejas izrāde PAR VIŅU
    Publikācijas tipsBakalaura darbi
    AutorsPutniņš, Jānis
    Oriģināla radīšanas gads2015
    IzdevējsLatvijas Kultūras akadēmija
    Vispārīgās piezīmesBakalaura darba teorētiskais pielikums
    Institūcijas nosaukumsLatvijas Kultūras akadēmija
    NozareHumanitārās zinātnes


    The practical result of this bachelor thesis is a contemporary dance performance- „about them”. With this performance iĶd like to invite the spectator to evaluate – what exactly is „women”? Is there any way to formulate or find some universal parameters which features them. Discounting political and cultural considerations, what makes this task even more difficult is the fact that social gender is not always directly connected to biological one. Does a biologically ranked female body makes them an universal agregate, and is it even possible to distinguish such a large universaly undefined group of people with one word or term ? During the performance I want to ask a question whether or not a woman is feminine because of strictly determined universal set of feminism parameters? Is genders binarity and views posted by media still dominant in common society? Does it still moderates our thinking? How big role stereotypes and cultural frames construed by gender which already commands to fill specific standarts related to way of how we must think, or do we have a choice to think different and look at things more rationally without unnecessary layer of presumptions takes in our lives and what consequences there can be. Performance reveals relationship between „I” and „We”, it`s about whether or not to agree, to follow or to stay alone. Is common thinking which rules in society and subcultures in it a foundation of each individual thinking? Can it even be different? This supplement of bachelor thesis includes introduction, character of thesis conception, theoretical aspects, artistic means of expression and professional methods in performance, as well as description of thesis structure and the progress of thesis implementing, summary with theses nominated at the beginning, references and supplement.
