The Spring of 2018 has brought into sharp focus how differently states pursue
strategic communications. One particular incident, more spy novel than grand
politics, would have far reaching consequences beyond its original intent. In
March a former Russian double agent and his daughter were poisoned using the
military-grade nerve agent Novichok, apparently smeared on the door handle
of his home in Salisbury, England. Sergei Skripal, a retired colonel with Russian
military intelligence, had previo...
Metaphors turn up where you least expect them. Netflix—the most prolific originator
of quality television drama in the US—recently launched a cop series about serial killers.
The clue is in the title Mindhunter. This whodunit is actually a howdunit. Or should that
be whydunit? Episode by intriguing episode it explores the minds and motivations of
murderers with a particular taste for exotic killing. And the protagonists of the drama
rapidly become drawn into the operational processes of the poli...
‘The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets,’ declared the new President
of the United States recently. The election of Donald J. Trump has coincided with,
perhaps arisen from, a period of unusual turbulence in early 21st century geopolitics.
Events have become difficult to read, no less predict. For all that Twitter diplomacy,
‘twiplomacy’, has sought to inject concision and clarity into politics, the reverse appears
to be unfolding. Truth, untruth, and post-truth: conversations arou...
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the journal “Defence Strategic
Communications”, a new initiative form the NATO Strategic Communications
Centre of Excellence in Latvia. As the UK’s longest serving Defence Strategic
Communicator it is a privilege to be Chairman of the Editorial Board and I would
like to thank my board colleagues for their support, hard work, advice, and help in
preparing this issue. As the COE Director, Janis Sarts, says in his introduction the
NATO StratCom COE has come at a ...
Rakstā ir sniegts vispārējs pārskats par pretošanās kustību Latvijā nacistiskās Vācijas okupācijas laikā, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot pretošanās kustības jēdzieniskajai izpratnei, tās dalībnieku loka noteikšanai un citiem teorētiskiem un praktiskiem jautājumiem. Pētījums arī rāda, ka pretošanās kustība nacistu okupētajā Latvijā sadarbojās ar līdzīgām pretošanās kustībām Lietuvā un Igaunijā. Cerot uz Rietumu sabiedroto – ASV un Lielbritānijas, kā arī Skandināvijas valstu atbalstu neatkarības atgūšan...
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