Latviešu Darba pētniecības tēma ir Latvijas valsts simfonisko orķestru (Latvijas Valsts Simfoniskais Orķestris, Valsts Kamerorķestris “Sinfonietta Rīga””) projekta vadības efektivitāte projektu vadības starptautisko metodoloģiju kontekstā. Ar projektiem kultūras jomā tiek saprasts procesu kopums, kurā tiek apvienoti cilvēku, materiālu un finanšu resursi, lai noteiktā laikā un izmaksu grafikā sasniegtu definēto mērķi.1 Latvijas valsts simfoniskajos orķestros kā projekti tiek skatīti 1) koncertdarbības un izrāžu radīšana; 2) profesionālās mūzikas festivālu un konkursu organizēšana un norise; 3) mūzikas procesu fiksēšana,izpēte, dokumentēšana, izdošana; 4) mūzikas profesionālās izglītības un talākizglītošanas pasākumi; 5) multi-mediālu produktu veidošana; 6) oriģinālmūzikas radīšana; 7) citas aktivitātes, kas veicina Latvijas profesionālās mūzikas mākslinieciskā līmeņa izaugsmi un popularizēšanu. Ar projekta vadību tiek saprastas zināšanu, prasmju, instrumentu un paņēmienu pielietošana projekta aktivitātēs, lai realizētu ieinteresēto pušu vajadzības un projekta ieceres. Pētījuma rezultātā darbā tiks piedāvāts projektu efektīvās ieviešanas metode, balstīta uz starptautiski atzītu projektu vadības metodoloģiju PMBOK3, kas savukārt var būt izmantojama gan kā projektu plānošanas vadlīnijas valsts kultūras jomas institūcijās, gan kā šo projektu norises un rezultātu novērtējuma instruments. |
Angļu The implementation of project management tools and techniques in Latvian state cultural institutions is still in its early phases of development. It is a practice that attempts to achieve planned objectives within specific time and cost limits, through optimum use of resources. The growth and acceptance of project management is continuing to increase as resources become scarce. This research investigates the project management practices in state cultural organisations, t.i. state simphonic orchestras with the aim to create a method for an effective project management, which would assist cultural project managers to organise and estimate their work. Both theoretical and empirical research methods, including the project empirical data and literature review as well as survey based on interviews have been used to achieve the following objectives of the research: - carry out the theoretical review of the existing project management methodologies as well as provide the explanation of “efficiency” and “effectiveness” possible interpretations; - provide the description of fhe role of project management in state cultural institutions; - investigate and analyse the processes of project management in state simphonic orchestras where as the essential research method content analysis (documentation study) and interviews with the project managers of orchertras has been carried out; - compare project management pracise in orchestras with project management best practise recommendations by PMBOK method; - create a method for an effective project management witin state cultural institutions, which would assist cultural project managers to organise and estimate their work based on the research data. The research has found that Latvian state simphonic orchestras are managing their project in a very constrained environment. Projects are not managed according to any specific project management methodology, tools or technics, but are mostly used as a tool for gaining financial funding available from various sources granted in a project form. Based on research data, a method for an effective project management witin state cultural institutions has been developed consisting of two tools: project aim compliance assessment and effective project initiation, planning and execution tool. |