Latviešu Dinamisko pasaules izmaiņu kontekstā mainās arī darba tirgus struktūra (darbaspēka pieprasījums un piedāvājums, darba attiecību īstenošanas modeļi un attieksme pret darbu) un vadošās tendences darba tirgū. Augstskolu absolventu iekļaušanās darba tirgū vienmēr ir bijis sociāli nozīmīgs pētniecības objekts un nesenie absolventi sabiedrības ietvaros vienmēr skatīti kā zināma bezdarba riska grupa, turklāt vērtīgi šos procesus ir pētīt mainīgās vides kontekstā. Latvijas mākslas augstskolu – Latvijas Kultūras akadēmijas, Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas un Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijas – absolventi ir specifiska Latvijas augstskolu absolventu daļa, jo to profesionālās intereses un iespējas saistāmas ar kultūras un radošo nozaru tirgu, kas ir īpaša ekonomikas un darba tirgus daļa, kuru veido noteikta radošo profesiju pārstāvju sabiedrības daļa. Šī darba galvenais pētnieciskais jautājums: vai un kā Latvijas mākslas augstskolu absolventi kā radošo profesiju pārstāvji iekļaujas darba tirgū. |
Angļu The research paper (thesis) called “The perspective of labour market in contemporary Latvia for the graduates of Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvian Academy of Art and Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music” is written by Agnese Treimane. The paper gives a wide description of these graduates as potential creative professionals, analyzing their as social and professional group’s main characteristics and specifics, as well as describes the resent changes and topical tendencies of the labor market. This description is done to give an insight in the context of the labor and work setting, which these graduates have to fit into. The main goal of the research is to analyze the demand and supply of the labor market in cultural sector in context of these graduates. The main research question is if and how graduates of these three universities join the labor market in Latvia. Graduates of these three universities are classified as potential representatives of creative professions (RCP) so the first chapter of this paper is devoted to different frameworks, which RCP can be analyzed in, such as psychological characteristics of the group, specifics of the RCP as a professional group, and most importantly - Richard Florida’s creative class concept. A small subdivision discusses the graduates in context of concept of bohemian graduates. The second chapter gives an insight in the resent changes and topical tendencies of the labor market, describing such current trends as self-employment, working from home, multi-activity and others, and in the current tendencies of producing, buying and attitude towards the art. The second chapter is concluded with description of labor demand in public sector and in creative industries sector in Latvia. An analysis of labor supply is given in the third chapter. An analysis of empirical data (an inquiry of the graduates, done as part of the research paper, and content analysis of secondary data) is given to describe recent graduates as the main component of the labor supply in the cultural and creative field. A summary and comparison of labor market supply and demand, along with conclusions and recommendations is given in the last chapter. Despite the data already collected and analyzed, the paper calls for a further research. More specific and broader spectrum data should be collected to analyze both – supply and demand – sides of labor marker in cultural field. Also surveys already made could be repeated in order to obtain longitudinal data for future comparisons. |