Latviešu Pirms kāda eksāmena ziemas sesijā nopirku loterijas biļeti, grasījos nokasīt sudraboto pārklājumu, lai noskaidrotu, vai esmu, ko laimējusi. To redzēja mans dzīvesbiedrs, atľēma manu biļeti un teica: „ ja nokasīsi, tad novilsi sev laimi eksāmenā.” Biju pamanījusi viľa māľticīgo uzvedību jau iepriekš. Viľš vienmēr, pārnākot no jūras, ir noaudzis ar bārdu un matiem, sakot, ka jūrā tos nedrīkst dzīt, nekad viľa komanda neiet jūrā pirmdienās. Braucot mašīnā, nedrīkst runāt par mašīnas tehniskām lietām vai nedrīkst teikt, ka jāpērk jauna mašīna, jo tad mašīna varot apvainoties un avarēt. Tad kādu dienu devāmies pie viľa vecākiem un viľa tēvs, arī jūrnieks, pie galda paziľoja, ka viľa kuģi „nodos naglās”. Abiem tas bija dziļi emocionāls brīdis, bija sajūta, ka viľi runā par tuvinieka nāvi. Vakara gaitā mēs pārrunājām par rituālu, kas tiek veltīts kuģim pirms nodošanas „naglās”. Šie divi notikumi biji izšķiroši, lai nomainītu bakalaura darba tēmu un pievērstos mūsdienu jūrnieku folklorai. |
Angļu The title of the Bachelor thesis is „Sailors‟ folklore nowadays”. The most characteristic type of folklore among modern sailors involves superstition. Beliefs are not only observed, but also intertwined with stories of experience, legends and jokes. Initiation rates have become mandatory traditions even in the navy, where the personnel posit themselves as the most rational sailors. They bring along good luck charms which tend to be particularly personal, while objects related to the sea (photos, etc.) are kept home in the place of honour. Since the 1920s social anthropologists, especially those representing the school of functionalism, have focused on studying sailors‟ superstitious behaviours. In the beginning the aim of the study was to prove that superstition is used to reduce concern related to fear for the individual‟s physical or economical safety by employing irrational means. In the 1970s the theory of anxiety was criticized due to the finding that sailors tend to engage in superstitious activities without believing in their efficiency. During these years the leading hypotheses supported internalisation of superstitious beliefs. The main hypothesis in the 21st century is as follows – sailors typically act in a superstitious manner, because they are placed in an environment unnatural to terrestrial species. In order “to adapt” the unsafe environment, magic is employed. Thus the aim of the thesis is to study the superstitious activities of modern sailors, focusing on how they perceive superstition and the meaning of superstitious behaviour. The research data has been gathered from Latvian military and trade sailors working since 1990. |