Latviešu Šī maģistra darba tēma ir “Ziemeļkurzemes lībiešu kultūras mantojuma saglabāšana mūsdienās: lībiešu kopienas ieguldījums un valsts kultūrpolitikas nozīme”. Tēmas izvēli noteikusi gan personiskā motivācija, jo autores dzimtā ir lībiešu senči, gan tas, ka Latvijas kultūras mantojuma –gan materiālā, gan nemateriālā –saglabāšana kopumā –un līdz ar to arī lībiešu kultūras mantojuma saglabāšana –ir neapšaubāmi aktuāla tēma. Šobrīd zinātnieki uzskata, ka Latvijā un visā pasaulē kopumā ir vien aptuveni 40cilvēku, kuri spēj sazināties lībiešu valodā, bet lībiešu valodas pamatus apguvušo skaits ir ap diviem simtiem. Lībiešu kopienu mūsdienās veido lībiešu valodas pētnieki, lībiešu pēcteči, kultūras entuziasti un tie, kuri uztur dzīvu lībiešu etnisko identitāti. Būtisks kultūras mantojuma saglabāšanas instruments ir valsts kultūrpolitika un, autoresprāt, ir ļoti svarīgi noskaidrot, kā dažādu institūciju un faktoru mijiedarbības rezultātā notiek lībiešu kultūras mantojuma saglabāšana, kādas metodes šajā jomā tiek un, izmatojot mūsdienu kultūrmenedžmenta pieredzi, vēl papildus var tikt izmantotas. |
Angļu The main reasons that encouraged the author todevelop her Master`s thesis on the topic “The maintenance of cultural heritage from thelivs of Northern Kurland nowadays: the contribution of liv community and the role of cultural policy” were author`s personal motivation and the fact that this is acurrent topic in the field of cultural heritage. The aim that was carried out within this thesis -to explore and discover,what is therole of liv community and cultural policy of Latvia in maintenance of liv cultural heritage, as well as analyze, how successful are the methods and strategies that are being used and how these are preceived by members of the liv community. In order to achieve the goal, a researchwas carried out. The thesis is divided in four chapters. The tasks, that were set at the beginning of the thesis, are implemented in the corresponding chapter. The first chapter includes a summary of literature on historical development of the liv nation in the territory of Latvia. In this chapter the author examines sources about liv cultural heritage research as well as looks closely at the most important elements, that form the whole of liv cultural heritage –folklore, traditions and symbols. The second chapter contains information that characterizes the concept of ethnic identity, it`s significance during the formation of ethnic community. Attention is paid to this particular issue within the context of livs and other small nations. In the third chapter the author evaluates the institutional support given to the maintenance of liv`s cultural heritage nowadays. The contribution of governmental institutions, municipalities, non governmental organizations and individuals is studied and evaluated. The fourth and final chapter is devoted to successful examples of projects and events that are carried out by liv community members and help to promote effectively the liv cultural heritage nowadays. The analysis of interviews, that were previously carried outby the author with the best-known personalities of liv community, is accomplished. At the end of this chapter, the author creates a summary of views and interpretation of information gathered from the interviewees. Finally, the author draws conclusions about fulfilment of the original goal and tasks set in the beginning of the thesis. |